Bob's Childhood Detention Story and an Old Ariels Poster...
We were noisy one day in English class when our regular teacher was off sick so her replacement 'punished' us by making us write an "essay" (hardly seems to descibe this fragment....) about our childhood dreams. Some punishment. I enjoyed writing more than listening to them spout bollocks anyway. The above is my effort.
This is a poster for A. Radiographer and my old band, The Ariels. A. and I designed the logo together, the Hoskins image and text is mine, I think. It was topical at the time - Hoskins was doing those BT adverts some of you may remember. It was a bit of a catchphrase a gang of us picked up on at the time. There's a nice Michael Caine one somehwere, I'll try to dig out and post up soon.
I can just imagine you sitting there writing that. Really concentrating on it. Tsk...English teachers, eh?
Was that your 'coming-of-age' "essay", Bob?
What very tidy handwriting you've got!
No Spin, that's Lettraset...
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